400,000 from Trump and over 600,000 dead from Biden OK. Plus the first vaccines were delivered from tTrump and who fastracked the vaccines Trump

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As I make clear in my follow-up articles, Joey, others like DeSantis and Abbott picked up where Trump left off. Abandoning science in the middle of a pandemic that Trump allowed to get out of control condemned thousands upon thousands of Trump's own voters to preventable deaths even in the age of vaccines. Stupidity is deadly. https://thedailyedge.substack.com/p/maga-massacre

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Great article, and very accurate.

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We've forgotten what "normal" used to be. We've been weakened, poisoned by the daily onslaught of insanity. It sometimes feels impossible to fight it. Those NY Times headlines prove it. Thanks for this article. I need to be reminded of how abnormal this all is.

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