Am i the only one that noticed the jobs that were created were the lost jobs from the covid lock down. People just coming back to work. You just have to go to government job stats to see that.

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Not sure how you noticed that, Wayne, given that the 154,000 manufacturing jobs lost under Trump have been replaced by more than 545,000 manufacturing jobs added under Biden, also a record number of NEW businesses were started in 2021, etc. etc. In 2019, Trump plunged manufacturing into a full year recession. Trump's trade wars with China caused the worst farm crisis since the 1980s. More than 800 dairy farms went bankrupt in Wisconsin in 2019 -- pre Covid. Also, the YUGE number of jobs lost in 2020 were a direct result of Trump's failure with Covid, throwing out the pandemic playbook, downplaying the virus, etc. You can't give Trump a pass for the job losses "because of Covid" when his recklessness and incompetence made those job losses so much worse than they were in many other countries that had competent leadership.

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What kinds of jobs have been created? How much is average pay? Are these full- or part-time jobs? Are these jobs in the gig economy, which aren't jobs? Poor folks are getting poorer even while working. The affluent are doing well, and complaining that they must work paycheck to paycheck. There is a problem here.

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Quality of life issues, including work, are the ones that count on our egregiously unequal wealth scale. I do not know that we can correct that, but we can and must upend the Citizens United decision that granted personhood to corporations.

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"96 percent of the jobs lost in the 2020 recession are back... the past year has made a huge difference to millions of families that now have higher incomes and renewed careers... Women and minorities have made especially large gains. For all the concerns about the 'She-cession' early in the pandemic, women have come surging back into the workforce in recent months, especially as schools and day cares have reopened. Women’s labor force participation, especially for ages 25 to 54, has now recovered as much as men’s. And the share of African Americans working is almost back at a two-decade high." https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/06/03/may-jobs-report-return-to-work/

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