Thank you Richard, great article , the religious right wing Christian’s and evangelicals are so far of base on the real issue at hand.You have hopefully made some people open they’re eyes, something must be done to help the children .

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"They read the “dirty parts” of books (not including the rape, bestiality and incest-filled Bible)"

Your ignorance about what the bible actually says about this things, is proof that you've never opened the bible.

The Bible is not full of any of the things you mentioned.

Yes, there were incidences of incest, rape, murder told in the bible, but they're few and far between. And in all the places in the bible were it was mentioned, it was used as a reference to sin, something to be shunned and avoided, being just a small part of a larger story whose theme focused mainly on God's relationship with his creation.

In other words even though the bible talks about this vices, it did not glorify it. Neither did it present it in colorful, explicit details as your post seems to suggest. There were no disturbing scenes of rape, incest, bestiality, or murder.

True christians do not hate the so called LGBTQ community. They respect the rights of this people to live the kind of life they want. That doesn't mean that christians approve of such a lifestyle. According to the christian beliefs, homosexuality is a sin. And one of the goals of Christianity is to persuade people in the LGBTQ community to change their lifestyle and turn to God. Notice I used the word, "persuade". In other words, true christians do not use force, blackmail, or coercion to get sinners like homosexuals to change.

One of the main callings of christians is to preach the word of God not only to people in the LGBTQ community, but to all sinners. Simply put, christians love the sinner, but hate the sin.

And you might not agree with them, but christian parents are justified to be concerned about the kind of books being recommended to their kids in school to read. The child of a true christian has no business reading books that seem to present things like homosexuality, transgenderism, in a favorable light.

Christian parents are worried and rightfully so, that their kids are being indoctrinated in schools, and without their knowledge.

That doesn't mean christians support book banning. Like I said before, true christians respect the rights of the people of the LGBTQ community, and that includes their right to publish books that promote such a lifestyle.

But christians have rights too, and that includes preventing their kids from reading books that promote such a decadent lifestyle.

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"Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.... That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him.... So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.... So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father." https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2019%3A30-36&version=NIV

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"The Old Testament is filled with dramatic and often unsettling stories, but few are more shocking and morally charged as that of Lot and his daughters.... The incestuous relations resulted in the birth of Moab and Ben-Ammi, founders of the Moabites and Ammonites." https://artuk.org/discover/stories/lot-and-his-daughters-a-troubling-tale-of-sin-and-seduction

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Again, I fail to see anything so shocking or disturbing about this, especially when juxtaposed with the level of sexual immorality and depravity that's prevalent today. But now I understand; you have the misconception that the bible ought to be some kind of kumbaya literature that ought to contain only positive feel good stories.


While there are happy, optimistic stories in the bible, it doesn't shy away from telling the dark side of human nature. The bible isn't just meant to give hope for a brighter future for humanity. It also warns about the failings and foibles of humans, and why it is better to put your trust in a supreme being who is infallible.

And again you've taken the Lot story completely out of the context of the larger story. You need to read the whole story to understand why his daughters did what they did. And read again the bible text you just cited, and read in-between the lines this time. You'll notice that what the daughters of Lot did wasn't something worthy of emulation or praise. What they did, they did with the utmost discreetness, knowing full well they were doing a very bad thing. This is so much unlike today where people seem proud to wear their sexual depravity like a badge.

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So you're suggesting we shouldn't ban books before we read them and understand them fully. Good idea! Thanks. Please tell Moms for Liberty.

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You say Moms For Liberty want to ban some books. I am not in support of their intentions as that is not the christian way.

All am saying is do not brush off the concerns of real christians. If they don't want their kids reading such books, how hard can it be to respect their rights?

The LGBTQ community and the christian community: Let each community respect the rights of the other.

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Isn't that the whole idea of having a library and not an indoctrination camp.

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Thanks will look into this process

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The latest pseudo to keep the hoi-polloi outraged and it worked for Youngkin but not many more. It is way past time to expose the groups and their nastiness

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I think Publix would be a great place to boycott for their funding of this attempt to use pornography on children and parents. In an ‘ attempt to remove books that contain “ pornography”so children wont be exposed to it . ??

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Thank you for the article. Its hard to know what to do with all of this . I think id like to know which corporations are supporting which of these twisted projects . I think the only thing that might be impactful are boycotts of the funders products.

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The dark money is not easy to track, but "Almost all of the money donated to Moms for Liberty Florida came from a $50,000 donation from Publix heiress Julie Fancelli" https://www.the74million.org/article/exclusive-moms-for-liberty-pays-21k-to-co-owned-by-founding-members-husband/

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Something has to be done with well funded deviates who point their fingers at everyone that isn’t as crazed as they are.

This man handing out pamphlets with pornographic images to kids should have been arrested.

The ultra monied groups and individuals funding these twisted projects should be locked up .

However thanks to ‘our Captured by the far right’,

Supreme Court ( justices?) are complicit in these behaviors, all to the tune of the Heritage Foundation funding and directions.

The one thing that would be a saving grace , would have been a no on ‘Citizens United ‘ ruling that gave a great big “yes “to Corporations calling the shots.

Everything that the GOP is presenting as good for our country, is terrible for the Majority of Americans.

The Rights of the wealthy and the fascists prevail.

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Most people will agree that a sex scene (or two) in a book-length work doesn't turn that book into pornography. But assembling the most in-your-face pictures and scenes found in books without any context and handing them to underage kids seems to cross the line.

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