Judd Legum's substack today also pointed out the many ways that Death Santis is a lying liar about his book bans. Woe betide us all if this fascist dictator ends up President. He really would be worse than Donnie Dotard.

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It's safe to say that the governing body of the State of Florida does not care for the best interests of its constituents, certainly not its families or their children. Banning books only serves to narrow the field of what children can learn, and when you restrict information like that, you halt progress. It's as simple as that.

Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it, as they say.

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Ever see the movie Scanners?

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It is beyond appalling what these crazy alleged ‘leaders’ will do .

They make a mockery of any serious attempts to educate or perhaps for children to read something that ‘lands’ and creates a ‘reader forever’.

We struggle to be a proud democracy of diversity but people like Trump and De santis have made everything about their own narrow little minds in spite of their oversized egos .

Does De Santis even give a red rats a** about education? N.O.!

He just wants to sew division like Trump before him. So he calls on all these control freak parents and uses them as poster parents devoid of any compassion or empathy or even of understanding about what good education consists of .

Remember Civics class where kids were taught about other cultures and the welcome we extend to them in spite of our differences.

Thats gone in Florida, thats gone in private “ Christian” schools .

Who prefer their students white and ‘ straight’ .

Maybe some money should be diverted to schools that welcome everyone and respect the students differences and respect their teachers who give up a lot of money to go with their “calling”.

Now they’re are being prosecuted if they don’t go along to the letter with these ridiculous demands .

Its time to take education out of this dismal governors office and put it back to the people who went to school to become teachers ; because they care.

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Yet the media talks about how DeSantis would be an improvement over Trump. When Trump first ran for President, we were told how he would never get the Republican nomination, he was just a “buffoon”, but at least he wasn’t Hillary! Then when he got the nomination, we were told that he would never be elected. (Actually he lost the popular vote by 2,868,686 votes, but he won the electoral college by 304 to 227.) So then he was President & we were told that he would get rid of the “SWAMP” in Washington, as he was a businessman & would run the country as a business & get rid of all those inefficiencies. (The government is not a business & has a different reason for existence, whereas the purpose of a business is to make money.) If you had ever read about how Trump ran his businesses, then you would have known we were headed for real trouble. We were told that he would surround himself with knowledgeable advisors who would guide him. That turned out to be a joke. Now Trump is running again in 2024.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will soon announce his run for the Republican nomination for President in the 2024 race. He is intelligent & focused on winning. It appears that he feels that in order to win, that he needs to out-Trump Trump, & get the hard core MAGA vote. He is turning, or has turned, Florida into a Christo-Fascist state. The Republican Party now admires Putin, & the likes of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey. Yet one can read praise for DeSantis as an alternative to Trump. There needs to be more written about DeSantis & his stance on abortion, immigration, education, voter rights, Disney, equal rights for all, health care, interference in corporate policies, gun ownership, & other matters which affect the daily lives of Florida citizens. If he gets the nomination, & were to succeed in attaining the Presidency, then you can kiss our Democratic Republic goodby.

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At this point it feels like the big question is how far he'll dismantle Florida public schools before offering vouchers to Christian schools as an alternative. My bet would be on, "as soon as enough other states do so first and get away with it," because DeSantis is calculating if nothing else. Iowa seems to be first out of the gate as of January this year (2023).

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A new bill has been filed in Tallassee, Florida, that would allow all students to receive private school vouchers. All students would be eligible, regardless of income, or whether they are in public school or being home-schooled. Vouchers take scarce funding from students in public schools and give those resources to unaccountable private schools. Vouchers undermine strong public education and student opportunity. DeSantis has said that he will sign this bill if he makes it to his desk.

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