But how long since they’ve been ‘most trusted’ anyway? I feel like any respectable conglomerate news outlet, be it print or broadcast, focuses more on entertainment over content. They all run to the latest eye candy and spend 80% of a broadcast espousing theories and speculating in order to fill that 24hr news cycle. It really comes down to each writer/journo/individual show now with a few exceptions (FOX/OAN should’ve been thrown off the air years ago IMO). Boards are usually populated with members who are politically diverse, their writers no less so. And today American adults, to my chagrin, have less ability to parse opinion pieces from factual stories now. You have to be pretty news savvy to navigate the waters successfully in this day & age. None of the homogenizing is doing readers/viewers any favors, it’s really just another great Wizard of Oz moment. Harwood was a great journalist, great host; a combo becoming more rare all the time. I hope he gets a plum gig-maybe at CBS? ;-)
It’s CNN’s loss. They’re already losing viewers. When they allow Repubs on who push conspiracy theories & lies, with nobody calling them out or fact checking in real time, they may as well call themselves FOX. Truth & facts is what used to set CNN apart. There’s already WAY TOO MUCH dis/misinfo in cable news. The majority of cable “news” is now right wing & extreme right wing. Do Malone & Licht really want CNN to be “centrist”? Not everything has “both sides”. And allowing MAGAs to LIE to viewers just makes CNN dishonest, not politically balanced. Hopefully MSNBC stays the same. Adios CNN!
Thank you for putting John Harwood's departure in context. I was not aware of what he said on air (AKA speaking the truth) before he announced he was gone. I hope someone reports on the details of CNN terminating him (if, in fact, that's what actually happened). Until then, I imagine people like NYU Journalism Professor Jay Rosen and former NY Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan are shaking their heads at how truth is dying before our eyes.
But how long since they’ve been ‘most trusted’ anyway? I feel like any respectable conglomerate news outlet, be it print or broadcast, focuses more on entertainment over content. They all run to the latest eye candy and spend 80% of a broadcast espousing theories and speculating in order to fill that 24hr news cycle. It really comes down to each writer/journo/individual show now with a few exceptions (FOX/OAN should’ve been thrown off the air years ago IMO). Boards are usually populated with members who are politically diverse, their writers no less so. And today American adults, to my chagrin, have less ability to parse opinion pieces from factual stories now. You have to be pretty news savvy to navigate the waters successfully in this day & age. None of the homogenizing is doing readers/viewers any favors, it’s really just another great Wizard of Oz moment. Harwood was a great journalist, great host; a combo becoming more rare all the time. I hope he gets a plum gig-maybe at CBS? ;-)
It’s CNN’s loss. They’re already losing viewers. When they allow Repubs on who push conspiracy theories & lies, with nobody calling them out or fact checking in real time, they may as well call themselves FOX. Truth & facts is what used to set CNN apart. There’s already WAY TOO MUCH dis/misinfo in cable news. The majority of cable “news” is now right wing & extreme right wing. Do Malone & Licht really want CNN to be “centrist”? Not everything has “both sides”. And allowing MAGAs to LIE to viewers just makes CNN dishonest, not politically balanced. Hopefully MSNBC stays the same. Adios CNN!
Thank you for putting John Harwood's departure in context. I was not aware of what he said on air (AKA speaking the truth) before he announced he was gone. I hope someone reports on the details of CNN terminating him (if, in fact, that's what actually happened). Until then, I imagine people like NYU Journalism Professor Jay Rosen and former NY Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan are shaking their heads at how truth is dying before our eyes.